High blood pressure or Hypertension is usually caused by narrowing of the arteries. There are two major causes of narrowing of the arteries. One is inflammation caused by hormones released into the blood stream during highly stressful activities. This is a natural response your body goes thought during stress to protect itself in the case of injury. Some people experience this when they get a blood pressure check up. This is why if your blood pressure reads high your nurse well check it two or three times to see if the pressure is stable, or if it changes. If its stable you have high blood pressure if it fluctuates you have a case of the nerves. The second cause is high levels of blood fats known as cholesterol.
We have in our blood stream a kind if trucking system that carries sugar and fats from our liver to our cells and waist produces back from our cells to the liver. The carrying agents, or trucks, are called cholesterol. They are made buy the liver and the number and percentage of the three types of cholesterol play a big factor in the health and quality of a parsons life.
HDL cholesterol or high density lipoprotein are known as good cholesterol the larger the percentage of your overall cholesterol level that HDL cholesterol represents the better. A low level in men would be forty or lower, in women fifty or lower, and a good count would be sixty or above. High density lipoprotein can be caring large amounts of fats in your blood stream. Fat does not dissolve in your blood steam so it must be carried to and from your cells.
LDL cholesterol or low density lipoprotein is known as bad cholesterol the larger the number of these cholesterols in your blood stream the worse of you are. The optimal number is one hundred or lower. One hundred to one hundred and thirty is considered normal. One hundred and thirty to one hundred and fifty is considered borderline. One hundred and sixty to one hundred eighty are considered high. One hundred eighty to two hundred is considered very high.
Triglycerides are the most common form of fat in the blood steam and are associated with a high carbohydrate diet. These fats are also a telltale sign for a higher than normal LDL cholesterol number.
LP cholesterol is a genetic variation of LDL cholesterol and is associated with free fats in your blood stream.
The problem with having a lot of LDL, LP, and Triglycerides in your blood stream is that they cause Atherosclerosis which is the plaque buildup that causes the narrowing and hardening of your arteries. Which is the leading cause of heart attack and stroke.
There are some very important minerals and acids found in supplements that can go a long way to help prevent Atherosclerosis and controls your blood pressure. Calcium helps muscles, including your heat, to expand and contract. It also helps your nervous system to regulate your blood pressure. Magnesium found mostly in green vegetables is essential for cellular health. Malic Acid found in apples helps support magnesium absorption. It’s also an important part of the Krebs cycle which increases ATP, an enzyme that supports muscle health and growth. Chric Acid help’s in the Krebs cycle to remove carbon dioxide from your cells. It also helps maintain the alkaline levels in your body. Fighting of the acidic effects from coffee, soda and alcohol. Glycine is a non essential amino acid helpful in the production of RNA and DNA. It also helps brain function and promotes a healthy prostate gland.
These minerals and acids which promote the muscle and cellular health of your vascular system along with a low carbohydrate diet well lower your cholesterol levels and prevent the plaque buildup that causes Atherosclerosis. Exercise to strengthen your vascular system is always a good thing, but you don’t have to over do it. Feeding your vascular system what it needs and not over feeding your body what it does not need is one of those healthy life choices that we all need to make
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Healthy Choices about Blood Pressure And Cholesterol
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8:35 AM
Friday, June 5, 2009
Top Tips for Staying Healthy
Quit Smoking
To stay 100% healthy you need to stop smoking. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, people have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Also, the trend to quit smoking has been slow to follow in France.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking water is still one of the healthiest things we can do. Water is essential for virtually every function of the body. The average person needs eight 8-ounce glasses a day. Drink with meals, as well as before, during and after exercise. During exercise cold water is more readily absorbed.
Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Remember, you can't be unhappy when you're smiling!
You don't have to go down the gym and hop on the tread mill for two hours to stay fit and healthy, there are loads of other ways for those who don't like the idea of 'taking exercise'.
Did you know that taking a bit of exercise can help you feel good in mind and body? It’s a great way of getting a healthier lifestyle and making new friends. It can also help you relax more and gives you more energy so you don't feel run down and tired all the time.
Being a part-time couch potato can mean you pile on the pounds and can leave you feeling that you 'can't be bothered' to anything else. Also, keeping active will help you control your weight.
Health experts say that just half an hour of moderate activity a few days a week can make all the difference — and that can include taking a brisk walk, or cycling. It’s simple to build more walking into your day instead of getting the bus or getting a lift to the cinema or to the shops, just walk!
Looking Great!
Everyone looks better when they’ve had enough sleep - they don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing!
Eating a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables and fibres will also help you feel and look your best. Cutting down on fizzy drinks, chocolates, crisps, alcohol and fatty food like chips and fast food will help you keep your weight down.
Having a daily dose of exercise and fresh air will not only make you feel good, it’ll do wonders for your skin and your body.
Keeping our bodies clean doesn’t take much time, effort or money, and it’s an easy way to look, feel and smell more attractive. Just look at how much better you feel after you've washed your hair?
Most people get spots at some point in their lives. Spots happen when follicle channels in the skin - often known as pores - get plugged. Bacteria can then grow in the mixture of oil and cells trapped in the follicle. However, the good news is that spots don’t last forever. Wash your skin regularly with plenty of mild soap and hot water to keep the pores clean. See your doctor if you are worried - most cases can be cleared up.
Try to shampoo your hair every three or four days or every day if it’s greasy. If you have a problem with your hair such as dandruff, try asking someone you trust for a bit of advice, or pop into your local chemist to ask if they can recommend any special shampoos.
It's all so easy to keep you looking your best!
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9:08 PM