If you’re ending 2008 pretty much at the same fitness level as you began the year and can’t lose weight, you’ll have the benefit of some new understanding about weight loss as you re-set those goals for 2009.
During the year just past there was some solid research about exercise that tossed out the notion of those long, grueling workouts as the way to see weight loss results.
Instead we learned that intense interval training is very beneficial for losing weight. Research shows that it’s the intensity of the workout that matters when it comes to subcutaneous weight loss, not the length of time the workout lasts. Still the myths persist that workouts need to be long, single intensity sessions to be effective.
Beyond helping with weight loss by burning calories, interval training improves cardiovascular fitness and also speeds your metabolism. The reason the shorter intervals seem to work is that your body needs fuel (calories) to do anything and keep your muscles alive and healthy.
When you do endurance cardio workouts, like long runs for example, the body ends up turning to the muscle tissue to fuel the activity. That’s not what you want. Since metabolism is mostly based on lean muscle mass, long workouts reduce that, and defeats the purpose of all that effort.
Of course to be effective the training must be intense. No stretching and leisurely walking. The activity must make you sweat, push your limits of endurance and strength. There are two levels of interval training, and beginners should stick with a program that calls for working out at a greater intensity for 2-5 minutes, then going back to a comfortable stage for 2-5 minutes.
Interval training also pushes your metabolic rate up, not just during the workout, but for as much as 36 hours afterward. You may lose, like some study subjects in a comparison of 30 vs. 60 minute workouts, three times the weight in half the time. Now that’s results!
Before you start any exercise program, talk with your own doctor (especially if you’re over 40 or have any chronic health issues) to be sure being active is right for you. Once you get the all clear, you can design your own interval workout pretty easily.
Start with a solid ten minute warm up. After this, increase the intensity of your activity so that it feels harder. Keep going at that intensity for a full minute or two, then slow down (working up to the 2-5 minute period of intensity) and follow this with a 2-5 minute lower intensity session to recover.
Repeat this pattern for 30 to 40 minutes, then finish with a 5 minute cool down. You don’t want to sprint for one minute then collapse for two, instead aim for high activity that’s moderately difficult and a low interval that is moderately easy.
You can do this type of training with just about any sport. Running. Cycling. Swimming. Weight training. Whatever you like. If you’re a total novice, a session with a professional trainer at a local gym or health club can help you develop an interval training program that’s both safe and effective. You’ll soon change ‘I can’t lose weight’ into ‘I can lose weight’.
About the Author: Next just head on over to the Daily Health Bulletin for more health tips including more on what to do if you can't lose weight and get 5 free revealing health reports.
Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=342041&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet
Friday, October 9, 2009
Cant Lose Weight? Try Interval Training...By Kirsten Whittaker
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10:06 PM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Healthy Choices about Blood Pressure And Cholesterol
High blood pressure or Hypertension is usually caused by narrowing of the arteries. There are two major causes of narrowing of the arteries. One is inflammation caused by hormones released into the blood stream during highly stressful activities. This is a natural response your body goes thought during stress to protect itself in the case of injury. Some people experience this when they get a blood pressure check up. This is why if your blood pressure reads high your nurse well check it two or three times to see if the pressure is stable, or if it changes. If its stable you have high blood pressure if it fluctuates you have a case of the nerves. The second cause is high levels of blood fats known as cholesterol.
We have in our blood stream a kind if trucking system that carries sugar and fats from our liver to our cells and waist produces back from our cells to the liver. The carrying agents, or trucks, are called cholesterol. They are made buy the liver and the number and percentage of the three types of cholesterol play a big factor in the health and quality of a parsons life.
HDL cholesterol or high density lipoprotein are known as good cholesterol the larger the percentage of your overall cholesterol level that HDL cholesterol represents the better. A low level in men would be forty or lower, in women fifty or lower, and a good count would be sixty or above. High density lipoprotein can be caring large amounts of fats in your blood stream. Fat does not dissolve in your blood steam so it must be carried to and from your cells.
LDL cholesterol or low density lipoprotein is known as bad cholesterol the larger the number of these cholesterols in your blood stream the worse of you are. The optimal number is one hundred or lower. One hundred to one hundred and thirty is considered normal. One hundred and thirty to one hundred and fifty is considered borderline. One hundred and sixty to one hundred eighty are considered high. One hundred eighty to two hundred is considered very high.
Triglycerides are the most common form of fat in the blood steam and are associated with a high carbohydrate diet. These fats are also a telltale sign for a higher than normal LDL cholesterol number.
LP cholesterol is a genetic variation of LDL cholesterol and is associated with free fats in your blood stream.
The problem with having a lot of LDL, LP, and Triglycerides in your blood stream is that they cause Atherosclerosis which is the plaque buildup that causes the narrowing and hardening of your arteries. Which is the leading cause of heart attack and stroke.
There are some very important minerals and acids found in supplements that can go a long way to help prevent Atherosclerosis and controls your blood pressure. Calcium helps muscles, including your heat, to expand and contract. It also helps your nervous system to regulate your blood pressure. Magnesium found mostly in green vegetables is essential for cellular health. Malic Acid found in apples helps support magnesium absorption. It’s also an important part of the Krebs cycle which increases ATP, an enzyme that supports muscle health and growth. Chric Acid help’s in the Krebs cycle to remove carbon dioxide from your cells. It also helps maintain the alkaline levels in your body. Fighting of the acidic effects from coffee, soda and alcohol. Glycine is a non essential amino acid helpful in the production of RNA and DNA. It also helps brain function and promotes a healthy prostate gland.
These minerals and acids which promote the muscle and cellular health of your vascular system along with a low carbohydrate diet well lower your cholesterol levels and prevent the plaque buildup that causes Atherosclerosis. Exercise to strengthen your vascular system is always a good thing, but you don’t have to over do it. Feeding your vascular system what it needs and not over feeding your body what it does not need is one of those healthy life choices that we all need to make
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8:35 AM
Friday, June 5, 2009
Top Tips for Staying Healthy
Quit Smoking
To stay 100% healthy you need to stop smoking. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, people have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Also, the trend to quit smoking has been slow to follow in France.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking water is still one of the healthiest things we can do. Water is essential for virtually every function of the body. The average person needs eight 8-ounce glasses a day. Drink with meals, as well as before, during and after exercise. During exercise cold water is more readily absorbed.
Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Remember, you can't be unhappy when you're smiling!
You don't have to go down the gym and hop on the tread mill for two hours to stay fit and healthy, there are loads of other ways for those who don't like the idea of 'taking exercise'.
Did you know that taking a bit of exercise can help you feel good in mind and body? It’s a great way of getting a healthier lifestyle and making new friends. It can also help you relax more and gives you more energy so you don't feel run down and tired all the time.
Being a part-time couch potato can mean you pile on the pounds and can leave you feeling that you 'can't be bothered' to anything else. Also, keeping active will help you control your weight.
Health experts say that just half an hour of moderate activity a few days a week can make all the difference — and that can include taking a brisk walk, or cycling. It’s simple to build more walking into your day instead of getting the bus or getting a lift to the cinema or to the shops, just walk!
Looking Great!
Everyone looks better when they’ve had enough sleep - they don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing!
Eating a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables and fibres will also help you feel and look your best. Cutting down on fizzy drinks, chocolates, crisps, alcohol and fatty food like chips and fast food will help you keep your weight down.
Having a daily dose of exercise and fresh air will not only make you feel good, it’ll do wonders for your skin and your body.
Keeping our bodies clean doesn’t take much time, effort or money, and it’s an easy way to look, feel and smell more attractive. Just look at how much better you feel after you've washed your hair?
Most people get spots at some point in their lives. Spots happen when follicle channels in the skin - often known as pores - get plugged. Bacteria can then grow in the mixture of oil and cells trapped in the follicle. However, the good news is that spots don’t last forever. Wash your skin regularly with plenty of mild soap and hot water to keep the pores clean. See your doctor if you are worried - most cases can be cleared up.
Try to shampoo your hair every three or four days or every day if it’s greasy. If you have a problem with your hair such as dandruff, try asking someone you trust for a bit of advice, or pop into your local chemist to ask if they can recommend any special shampoos.
It's all so easy to keep you looking your best!
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9:08 PM
Friday, May 22, 2009
Breakfast ideas for weight loss
Most of you already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Throughout your childhood you have heard this from your parents and they are right about it. A lot of people skip their breakfast and there is just no explanation for it. This can be one of the reason because of which they are nervous and uptight in the morning. If you want to lose your weight then you should never skip your breakfast. You should know when to eat and when to not.
No matter how busy your life is, you should never skip your breakfast as it is one of the most important activities of the day. Also having a breakfast doesn’t mean running out of the house with a doughnut in your hand. Most people are in a rush every morning and for this reason use sugar products and drink coffee so that they can wake up instantly. Sugar products provide them with energy and that why they prefer them over a good breakfast which takes more time.
One complaint that most people have is that they get tired during work! But no one ever has tried to find out the reason behind it. This happens because you don’t have a healthy breakfast in the morning. This shows the importance of having a good breakfast meal every day.
Following are some foods that you should eat in your breakfast.
1. Use cereals with low amount of sugar. Cereals and milk make a good breakfast combination for anyone. Keep in mind that you have to consume as little sugar as possible.
2. Eat eggs. A lot of people will say that eggs are not healthy but you should ignore them. Eat eggs in moderation.
3. Eat egg sandwich. People go out to restaurants to eat egg sandwiches so why can’t you make one at home.
4. Make pancakes in the morning. It’s better to eat pancakes than going out to a fast food restaurant. If you want to control your calories then you can use fruits instead of syrup or butter with your pancakes.
5. Eat toast with a small amount of butter on it. It is a good breakfast meal
6. If you need energy than you should go for juice. Stop drinking coffee! Fresh juice will provide you with all the necessary energy. You can make fresh juice at home or can purchase it from the market. It’s much better than drinking coffee as it is healthier.
7. If you love eating fruits then you should try a fruit salad for a breakfast meal.
Most of the above foods are easy to make and won’t take up too much of your time. You can just sit and have your breakfast with ease. With proper breakfast you will feel energetic and will not get tired easily. For some people it can be a tough job but you will get used to it in no time.
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11:14 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009
How Seniors lose weight
Ok some facts: You weight is more than ten years ago, or even five years ago. The extra pounds didn't arrive all at once but accumulated gradually before you even realized they were climbing on board. Now you're looking at some serious extra weight that does not seem to move.
But that's to be expected as you get older, right? Wrong.
People over 40 may find it much harder to lose weight and easier to gain because, they burn fewer calories the young.
Gaining excess weight is very common for a number of reasons.
If you're determined to succeed at losing weight, simply cutting calories won't guarantee success. Physical activity is as essential to achieving long-term weight loss as a healthful diet, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). By themselves, neither exercise nor diet can get you to your goal as effectively or as fast as the two of them can together. That's especially true for people over age 40.
Not only is physical activity essential for weight-loss success, the NIH says it's an important factor in maintaining your weight once you've lost the extra pounds. Take comfort in the NIH's use of the words "physical activity," not"exercise."
The message is that you can win the weight-loss game with many different kinds of physical activity. You don't have to do killer aerobics and lift heavy weights at a gym to drop pounds and keep them off. But you do have to do something, and you have to do it regularly.
The bottom line is that you burn fewer calories in your 50s, 60s, or 70s doing the same activities, and the same number of them, that you did in your 20s, 30s, or 40s. The key to preventing weight gain is to compensate by adjusting your food intake, exercising, and generally becoming more physically active.
If you need to lose weight, what should you do?
Your body uses food for energy. It stores any excess energy as fat. This means if you eat more food than your body needs for daily activities and cell maintenance, you will gain weight.
To lose weight, you need to get your body to use up these stores of fat.
Researchers have recently learned that regular physical activity can have a powerful effect on age-related declines in metabolism. One study out of Tufts University Center for Physical Fitness found that strength training by itself increased the metabolic rate of postmenopausal women by 15 percent. Not much, you say?
If the boost translates to only 100 calories a day, which is a realistic expectation, you could save yourself from putting on an extra 10 pounds in a year. Regular exercise offers a trifecta of good health: It burns calories, builds muscle, and improves your overall health. Experts on aging say that the body is better able to repair itself and perform efficiently if it is properly conditioned by exercise and good nutrition.
And the calorie-burning rewards of exercise are not limited to your workout time. Some research suggests that your revved up metabolic rate stays elevated for several hours after you stop exercising.
While weight management may be your number one priority now, think fitness not thinness.
Every single time you exercise more than usual, you burn calories and fat.
There are lots of ways to increase the amount of activity you do. Team sports, racket sports, aerobics classes, running, walking, swimming and cycling will all improve your fitness levels.
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7:03 PM
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Fast Weight Loss - Be On The Right Track
For any weight loss program to be successful, you need to have the right diet. You may fail if you fail to plan properly for your diet. Spend as much time as you can when planning for your diet. You may want to adopt the following approach.
First, always have very clear goals. Be specific - how many pounds are you going to lose? How long do you think you need? Be ambitious, but keep your plan realistic.
With clear goals, it's easier to work on how to reach those goals. It's all down to numbers now. The more calories you burn, the more weight you lose. Of course, for your program to be sustainable, you have to continue keeping your metabolic rate up. Keep that in mind.
Make a list of all your favorite foods. Make a quick search for the amount of calories that each food contain. You can then easily calculate how many calories your diet will contain on a day to day basis. Taking smaller meals will help condition your body to burn fat. For example, taking 5 smaller meals is better than taking 3 big meals each day.
Include lots of green vegetables and white meat in your diet.
Your weight loss diet is perhaps your greatest challenge in your weight loss program. Many people are confused over what they should eat while they are losing weight. Will a low carbohydrate diet work? Bothered by similar questions, most are at a loss as to what to do.
To have a first grade weight loss diet, you must think about a few issues. It's not just about calories. There are other stuff to think about. Most people don't realize that they have different needs, so they need different diet plans.
We all live different lifestyles, and we need different levels of energy to cope with the activities. For instance, some people are not physically active. Some exercise two to three times a week. And then there are those who are very active. So you see, different people need different amounts of energy to cope with the daily activities.
The goal is to eat the right amount of foods that will give you the nutrients that you need, and you can still lose weight. Most people just need about 2000 calories a day. Try not to consume less than that amount of calories each day. Your overall health may suffer if you take less than the average amount. It's not wise to deprive your body like that.
If you are trying to lose weight, the right thing to do is to tweak your diet plan according to your own needs. Try adopting a more gradual approach and drop your calorie consumption gradually. A better diet plan would be to try eating the same amount of calories, but you increase your activity level. You will still lose weight at the end of the day because you are burning off more than you consume.
Noticed anything interesting here?
Notice that you can't totally reduce the amount of calories you consume to zero. Your body still needs to take in a certain amount of calories. That means you should always aim at improving your overall metabolic rate instead of eating less calorie rich foods.
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5:28 AM
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Truth About Fat Free Food
The word fat has many meanings. Two of them are fat in the food we eat and fat that we put on our bodies as a result of eating too much bad nutrition and not enough exercise. It is unfortunate that the word fat is used to describe these two totally different meanings. Because the same word carries those meanings many of us tempt to believe that as a result of eating fat free food we will not gain fat on our bodies.
The truth is that eating fat does not necessarily mean that this fat will be put on our bodies as extra pounds. Fat has more calories per gram than many other ingredients. Eating a lot of fat means consuming much more energy than our body needs and extra energy means the body turning this energy into layers fat reserves. It is really the energy in the fat and not the fat itself that is fattening.
So don’t think that just by avoiding fat you will avoid getting fat – that is just not true. Fat free food is less tasty than food with fat. Many times in order to compensate for the lost of taste food companies add sugar and other ingredients to their products. Processed sugar is a very low quality source of energy. In fact the body can only use that energy for a very short time after it was consumed. Since most of us are not going to jog right after consuming sugar the body will have nothing to do with that extra energy but convert it to fat.
Sugar turns into fat in our body. Many people do not realize that or just ignore that fact. Consuming fat free food that is rich in sugar is not different than consuming food with a lot of fat or just consuming a lot fat and calories. The body is an amazing machine and it is very efficient. Energy that can not be used or is not needed is reserved for the future and the way in which the body reserves energy is by building extra layers of fat. So when we eat fatty food we actually just consume too much energy – the reason we gain weight is not because we eat fat that sticks to out body but because that fat has too much energy and the excess energy is converted to layers of fat by our body. And when we eat fat free food that is rich in sugar our body will again have excess energy that can not be used and that will be converted to layers of fat too.
To conclude it is important to understand that fat free does not mean healthy or non fattening food. Always check the nutrition facts of the food you consume to determine that you are not consuming too many calories or too much sugar. It is better to have some fat in your food and less sugar than too much sugar and no fat at all. As always the best diet is one that preaches for moderation in the quantity of food and in its nutrition. Make sure your calories are consumed from nutritious ingredients and not from just sugar and fat.
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6:17 AM
Saturday, May 9, 2009
A good diet to lose fat and get thinner
If you are struggling with being overweight you are not the only one. The problem in the market today is that the diet market became so big and profitable that there are just so many diets out there that simply do not work but have huge budgets and marketing campaigns behind them that make people try them out and spend a lot of money on them.
Losing weight is possible. It is done all the time. The real problem is maintaining low weight and low body fat for a very long time. Most diets focus on achieving results and fast. We are all impatient these days nobody is going to buy a diet that makes you lose weight in 12 months right? We all want the diet that is over the counter and promises us to lose significant weight in just two or three weeks. The problem with those latter diets is that even if you do achieve such weight loss in the short run you are more than likely going to gain all the weight lost back or even more and it is all going to happen fast.
Losing a lot of weight fast is also just not healthy. Everything done to the extreme is not good and diets are not an exception to that rule. The bitter truth is that in order to lose weight the healthy way and keep that low weight forever you need to change your life style. Being overweight is a result of many daily small choices. What did you have as a side order for lunch french fries or a green salad? Did you drink a large sugar filled soda or did you settle for some ice water? Diets are a way of life making the right decision hundreds or more times a day has a huge influence on your health and weight.
But losing weight alone is not going to work. The body can lose weight in many ways it can get rid of water and liquid or it can burn muscles and other tissue that if you are not active is just not used. The preferred way to lose wait is for the body to burn fat and thus by losing fat you would really lose fat while maintaining your muscles. Unfortunately there is no magic way to do that. The only way to tell your body that it should burn fat and not muscle is by using your muscles. When you exercise regularly you are using your muscles and when your body sees that the muscles are actually in need the body would choose to burn fat and not the so needed muscles.
Losing way is simple. Forget the diets do not spend money on unnecessary books and miracle drugs. Just keep doing three things every day all day long. Make the right food choices and you know what they are. Nobody needs a book to know that french fries are not good for them. Eat in moderation do not deprive yourself completely. Exercise regularly and make sure that your total calories intake is less or equal to your outtake. In other words do not consume extra calories as they will very simply just turn into fat
Posted by
12:26 AM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Real facts about weight loss diets and calories
Extreme diets are not healthy they can still help. Almost everyone, by an extreme diet and lost considerable weight on the end of all weight loss and more after a short while. The reason is that our weight is a result of our everyday behavior over a long period. Going on a diet for a short while and then back to our old bad habits simply does not work.
Why do we gain weight? The core and fundamental reason is simple, we consume more calories per day then we will burn. Calories are energy, and when we consume more than we do with body needs to do something with the excess energy. Evolution programmed the body to energy in fat. Grease is the way in which the body retains energy for days on which they are required. Evolution is clever grease the way the body to save energy for a rainy day, when the body one day consume fewer calories than it consumes the body needs for energy from somewhere and it does that by burning fat.
So that the first and most important thing to remember is simple: if you eat more calories that you burn fat you get. If you eat fewer calories than you consume your body will burn the fat and use their energy. The amount of energy you consume daily basis depending on your activity.
To demonstrate that the basic rule, the only thing needed is to eat fewer calories than you consume. So you can just sit and eat junk food, as long as there are not too many calories? Well, theoretically yes, but in order for the body to continue working as it is supposed to, you should also make sure that you have the right diet which means that other than food to eat junk food.
So you can just eat good food in the right quantity and lose weight? The answer is yes, you are weight, but if you do not do any sport, you lose the first muscle weight and fat after. If you are on a diet without sport are you looking fat, but weak. The solution is to do sports you need not be extreme, but at least the body of work a little. The body is not programmed to burn muscle mass, muscle mass if needed. If you know sports body, the muscles are needed, and it will quickly burn muscle instead.
How to lose weight is really quite simple and straightforward: eat in moderation, you can eat a little junk food, but make sure that your most important food intake rich in good nutrition. Make sure you eat fewer calories than you consume, and also sports on a regular basis. Do not think of it as a diet, you need to follow for a certain time, rather than those in a lifestyle that you continue following last forever.
Posted by
6:27 AM
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Choosing a Weight Loss Program That Works For You
Does the program provide counseling to help you change your eating activity, and personal habits?
The program should teach you how to change permanently those eating habits and lifestyle factors, such as lack of physical activity that have contributed to weight gain.
Is the staff made up of a variety of qualified counselors and health professionals such as nutritionists, registered dietitians, doctors, nurses, psychologists, and exercise physiologists?
You need to be evaluated by a physician if you have any health problems, are currently taking any medicine, or plan on taking any medicine, or plan to lose more than 15 to 20 pounds. If your weight control plan uses a very low-calorie diet (a special liquid formula that replaces all food for 1 to 4 months), an exam and follow up visits by a doctor are also needed.
Is training available on how to deal with times when you may feel stressed and slip back to old habits?
The program should provide long-term strategies to deal with weight problems you may have in the future. These strategies might include things like setting up a support system and establishing a physical activity routine.
Is attention paid to keeping the weight off? How long is this phase?
Choose a program that teaches skills and techniques to make permanent changes in eating habits and levels of physical activity to prevent weight gain.
Are food choices flexible and suitable?
Are weight goals set by the client and the health professional?
The program should consider your food likes and dislikes and your lifestyle when your weight loss goals are planned.
There are other questions you can ask about how well a program works. Because many programs don't gather this information, you may not get answers. But it's still important to ask them:
* What percentage of people complete the program?
* What is the average weight loss among people who finish the program?
* What percentage of people have problems or side effects? What are they?
* Are there fees or costs for additional items, such as dietary supplements?
Remember, quick weight loss methods don't provide lasting results. Weight loss methods that rely on diet aids like drinks, prepackaged foods, or diet pills don't work in the long run. Whether you lose weight on your own or with a group, remember that the most important changes are long term. No matter how much weight you have to lose, modest goals and a slow course will increase your chances of both losing the weight and keeping it off.
Posted by
10:16 PM
Friday, May 1, 2009
BlueBerries As Fat Busters
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9:23 PM
Thursday, April 30, 2009
What is Broken Heart Syndrome?
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9:48 PM
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Lose Weight and Burn Belly Fat Fast
Getting rid of belly fat isn't something that can be done just by doing crunches. You must work hard in several areas in order to burn off the fat and keep it off.
Getting rid of belly fat, or any fat from the body, takes a combination of several things. Proper nutrition, coupled with strength training focused on building muscles will remove excess body fat.
Dropping that belly fat doesn't have to be a struggle, as long as you follow a healthy diet plan and exercise program. By decreasing overall calorie intake, consuming foods that can help with weight loss, performing cardiovascular exercises, and toning and sculpting muscles through strength training, transforming stubborn belly fat into a sexy and toned stomach can be easily achieved.
Weight loss doesn't have to be complicated. Basically it is the calories you put in minus the calories you burn equals your net calorie gain or loss every day. Weight training should be a component of any fat loss program. Weight Loss Motivation is the key element that will get you through the tough times - holidays, binges, plateaus, or almost anything that sidetracks you.
Eat lots of protein . It’s the stuff that gets turned into muscle, organs, skin and bones. Eat as much non processed stuff as you can.
Try introducing tea into your daily diet. Eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. These dual diet tips will take your workouts from solo to steamy in no time.
Exercise is important of course but doing a bunch of crunches every day isn’t going to solve the problem alone. It’s hard and many people simply give up.
Exercise slowly and take little baby steps.
If you have not exercised in a while, start and then slowly build up until you're ready for more exercise. Exercise at least 40 minutes per day for 2 to 3 days per week (you must break a sweat).
Leg lifts are excellent workouts for getting rid of lower-belly fat.
Lying flat on your back, legs outstretched, slowly lift them half way then hold a moment and slowly lower them back to the floor.
Also, drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day will help keep hunger to a minimum.
Before going out to eat, fill up on a snack such as a salad with fat free or low cal dressing or a broth based vegetable soup.
Drink plenty of water, and go for more FILLING, low-calorie foods while at the restaurant. Base your food decisions on quality, versus quantity.
Drinking too much beer also causes bloating and may even be more damage causing once drinking beer is accompanied by sweet and sugary liquids like soda or even mixed drinks.
Basically just watch your calorie in take, prepare for eat right and do some basic and simple exercises 2 to 3 times a week.
Learn more about losing weight and melting away your belly fat at our Squidoo lens http://www.squidoo.com/burning-belly-fat-tips and see how easy it can be to drop those pounds faster than your thought
Posted by
6:43 AM
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise
In my previous post, we had more or less understand what is Pelvic Floor Muscle. Similar to other muscle, you will need to perform some form of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise, in order to strengthen it.
Here are a few tips for Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise :
1. Lie on your back. Contract your pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds,then relax the muscles for 3 seconds.Repeat 10-15 times.Do this several times a day. It can also be done while doing other activities,like sitting or standing.
2. Lie on your back with the bottoms of your feet together and your knees dropped to one side. Hold for at least five minutes.Repeat on other side.This will help relax the groin and pelvic floor muscles together, as they often work in conjunction.If the stretch feels too intense, place a small pillow under the knee.
3. Practise deep breathing with the feeeling of letting the pelvic floor muscles "drop away" from the body. Spend at least 5 minutes breathing this way during the day,especially when feeling stressed or tense.
Posted by
6:27 AM
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Neglected Muscles - Pelvic Floor Muscles
Hands up for those who have not trained their pelvic floor muscles. Both hands up if you have no idea what they are.
You are not alone
Located deep within the body's core and stretched across the pelvis like a hammock, the pelvic floor muscles are a crucial, and yet often overlooked.
How exactly does it feel when you are working it? Well, when urinating and do this once only - stop midstream. That was you contracting your pelvic floor.
The muscles are key for many things, like supporting organs surrounding the pelvis, preventing incontinence and maintaining normal sexual function.They also stabilise the back and support the actions of the spine and legs,allowing you to walk jump and run.
For most people having back pain, there are high chances that you are having weal pelvic floor and 90% of people with lower back pain, cannot control their pelvic floor.
A common misconception is that only pregnant women or those who suffer from incontinence should care about the pelvic floor. It is viatl for athletes too - both male and female.
This is because, the core muscles transfer power from large to small muscle groups, and are a major stabilising axis in the trunk. If the core muscles are weak, one will tend to over compensate with other muscles, and that can lead to injury.
Exercises to train the pelvic floor are simple. But under training and over training it could result in problems. It is best to see a physiotherapist, possibly also with the use of an ultrasound machine, to learn the proper technique.
Source : The Straits Times 25th Apr 2009
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9:41 PM
Friday, April 24, 2009
Avoid Commont Fitness Pitfalls - By Lynn Bode
Visit: http://www.workoutsforyou.com for a free sample workout and to sign-up for their monthly fitness newsletter. Fitness professionals take your business online, visit: http://www.trainerforce.com
While exercising isn’t complicated, it’s very easy to make mistakes. Often times the mistakes are made because of lack of proper technique training or simply due to rushing to get the workout completed. Regardless of the reason for the mistakes, they can lead to injuries or at the very least be counter-productive to your fitness goals.
Of course it’s important to know specifically what to do to be successful at meeting your health and fitness goals but it is also crucial to understand what not to do. So take note of the following common mistakes and how to avoid them. These tips will help ensure your workout time is effective and help prevent injuries.
Too Much, Too Soon
Many new exercisers try to lose weight or tone up too quickly, by exercising too frequently or trying exercise programs that are too difficult for their fitness level. Be sure to start with an exercise plan that takes your current fitness regimen (or lack of) into account.
Pie In The Sky Goals
Despite what many advertisers would like you to believe, it’s unrealistic to think you can lose 30 pounds in 30 days or that you can have Hollywood abs simply by doing 10 minutes of crunches a day. It’s good to set goals but be sure they aren’t too aggressive and realize it’s okay to periodically re-define them.
Ignoring Expert Advice
It’s always advisable to consult your physician before starting an exercise program. Working with a fitness professional is also a good idea so you can learn proper technique, the latest fitness information and learn how to avoid injuries.
If you start to feel overwhelmed, neglect important daily activities in order to workout or repeatedly get injured, then it might be due to exercising too frequently. Realize the importance of balance and that more is not always better. Consider reducing the frequency of your workouts or the intensity of some of them and periodically resting for a few days or a week.
Improper Breathing
Sure, breathing is an involuntary bodily function; something that most individuals tend to ignore. But, breathing correctly during fitness sessions is very important. Incorrect breathing can lead to lack of oxygen and even faintness. When working out ensure that you don’t breathe too shallowly and try to breathe through the nose and out the mouth.
Selecting The Wrong Size
Choosing the proper weight size when strength training is trickier then it sounds. Lifting weights that are too heavy for you can lead to improper form and ultimately to injuries. Use weights that are too light and the exercise session can be ineffective. If possible consult a fitness trainer to determine the correct amount of weight for your size, strength and goals. A trainer can also help you develop a plan for safely progressing forward on weight sizes.
Not Staying Hydrated
Drinking enough water on a daily basis is important. When you exercise you need to consume even more water. You should drink 16 ounces for every hour of exercise you complete. Plus you should try to consume 1-2 cups of water about 30 minutes before you begin working out.
Eating Too Little
No, that’s not a typo. Not eating enough can be as detrimental as eating too much. When the body is not fed consistently, it goes into a starvation mode. Five to six smaller meals evenly spaced throughout the day helps keep the metabolism running smoothly. Just be sure to control portion size.
Hanging Out Instead Of Working Out
Just showing up at the gym is not going to help you get more fit. Socializing while leaning on a weight machine won’t build muscles. It’s important to enjoy your exercise time but make sure that the focus remains on physical activity.
Fixating On The Scale
If you think the scale doesn’t lie, consider this. Many professional athletes would be considered obese based on their weight alone. Look at the bigger and more relevant picture. Monitor your body fat percentage, if possible. Otherwise track measurements. Also don’t underestimate the importance of improved physical and mental well-being.
Posted by
7:55 AM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Myths About Sweating
Myth 1 : No Sweat, No Workout
Most of us tend to thinks that it is a must to sweat as much as possible when working out. If one do not sweat during work out, that means we are not getting any benefit from it. This perception is totally wrong.
We must first need to understand that sweating is just a cooling mechanism for our body. When we sweat, it means that we are really hot and our body needs some way to cool down the temperature. Some of us will be able to tolerate a higher temperature than others, hence may sweat less during the workout, but this does not mean that those who sweat less are not working as hard as those who sweat more.
Myth 2 : The More I Sweat, The More Weight I Lose
When we exercise, our body temperature rises and result in sweating. As mentioned earlier on, sweating is a way for the body to cool down. Hence, sweating has no relationship with weight loss. It was the fat content in our body that gives us the weight that we do not want. The weight that lose from sweating is just weight of the water. You will regain that weight when you start to drink after your workout. The only way to lose weight is to reduce the the fat content or to burn the calories in a correct manner.
Myth 3 : Sweating Helps to Get Rids of Body Toxins
First thing you must know when performing detoxification for your body is that, sweat itself contains not toxins. Toxins can only be removed by our healthy kidney and liver. Our kidney and liver helps to counter off all we do to ill treat our body, such as less exercise, unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. When we sweat, we are not detoxified, we are in fact, overheated.
Finally, a piece of advise to all, the best way to reduce weight is to perform more or mix of cardio exercise such as running,cycling,swimming plus a balance diet. Excessive sweating is not a way to go for weight lose. Excessive sweating will cause a body to dehydrate and a dehydrated body will be more prone to heat exhaustion and stroke.
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6:49 AM