Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise

In my previous post, we had more or less understand what is Pelvic Floor Muscle. Similar to other muscle, you will need to perform some form of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise, in order to strengthen it.

Here are a few tips for Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise :

1. Lie on your back. Contract your pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds,then relax the muscles for 3 seconds.Repeat 10-15 times.Do this several times a day. It can also be done while doing other activities,like sitting or standing.

2. Lie on your back with the bottoms of your feet together and your knees dropped to one side. Hold for at least five minutes.Repeat on other side.This will help relax the groin and pelvic floor muscles together, as they often work in conjunction.If the stretch feels too intense, place a small pillow under the knee.

3. Practise deep breathing with the feeeling of letting the pelvic floor muscles "drop away" from the body. Spend at least 5 minutes breathing this way during the day,especially when feeling stressed or tense.

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